Association GAIA Chamber Music Festival
Herrengasse 23
CH-3011 Bern
UID: CHE-227.456.316
President of the Association
Christoph Ott
+41 31 934 37 57
Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights
The content of this website is protected by copyright. You may view, print and copy the contents of the Association GAIA, provided they are used for personal and non-commercial use. Graphics, text, images, etc. may only be reproduced, copied, published or used in any other form with the prior written permission of Association GAIA.
Concept & Design
Neidhart Grafik
Atelier Bern
Klösterlistutz 18
CH-3013 Bern
+41 61 261 80 81
Website Development
Klink GmbH
Balderstrasse 28
CH-3007 Bern
+41 31 351 33 80
GAIA Music Festival
Marco Borggreve, Balázs Böröcz / Pilvax Studio, Michael Habegger, Tom Häussler, Gábor Kotschy, Botond Nagy, Beat Schweizer, Miklós Váli, Olesya Zdorovetska